Grand Canyon National Park

[6/3 - 6/5]

Promises made,

Promises kept.

I made a friend named Justine today. She’s also doing a road trip same as mine, but from Canada!

So, what do I think of the first National Park on the itinerary? Everyone hears about the Grand Canyon. The inundated cultural references probably plauged my mind as a child, leaving me in a sort-of unambitious state. I had originally not intended to stop here but rather reserved it for my family to join along. When that plan was dismissed, it was decided. I consider it fate. It was a surreal experience to transition between the sandy fire of Phoenix to the cool pines of Flagstaff to… this. I arrived early in the night to the park. I parked in the A lot of the visitor center and walked my way against the crowds leaving the rim trail. As the Sun’s final words echoed throughout the canyon floor I was left alone, on top of a pyramidal rock I do not recall the name of. I had no idea what I was staring into.


Zion National Park


Flagstaff / Sedona [AZ]