San Diego [CA] / Jacumba Wilderness

[5/11] [Los Angeles > Phoenix]



I journeyed from an early, cloudy L.A. day and found myself driving down I-5 to San Diego for the first time in 20 years. I stopped by the iconic Zoo, the only memory from S.D. I retained from my childhood. Shortly after, as I embarked back towards PHOENIX I had met a beautiful new mountain range. The rest of the trip was.. hot. Driving along the mexican border, in the middle of the Sonoran Desert I found myself exhuasted in Yuma, A.Z. For personal reasons, I will not share the reason for stopping there, but my opinion on the town is reversed after having some of the best Birria from the trip! Later that night, as the sun set against the empty desert, I treated myself to Her beauty and gaze in the dark of night. The Milky Way’s first appearance to me.


Flagstaff / Sedona [AZ]